Saturday, August 30, 2008

One Month

I had my first adjustment yesterday afternoon. I was expecting to be in more pain today, but it isn't that bad. I can feel more pressure on my teeth but nothing unbearable.

In the last month, I have been snacking a lot less and eating healthier, and I have only been drinking water and milk! The results -- I've lost about 8 pounds! Only 17more to go to reach my goal!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

August 1st - Day 1

Now my mouth is full of metal!!

It has been almost a week with braces, and I'm finally able to eat more. The first few days were uncomfortable and hard to eat. It is still uncomfortable and weird to feel the metal up against my gums. But I'm getting use to it. I can feel the pressure on my teeth as they are being straighten by the braces.

I have decided that this is a good motivation to cut back on sugary foods and to cut out sodas and sugary drinks. I have been drinking tons of water! Maybe I'll be able to finally lose the 20+ pounds I have gained since having kids!

Before - July 31st

I decided to get braces!! Here are the before pictures!!